Friday, April 29, 2011

How does Earth Science affect our daily life?

How does Earth Science affect our daily life?
            The earth science is branch of science dealing with the constitution of the earth and its atmosphere. The various branches of earth science is geology, oceanography, metrology and astronomy.  The Earth science generally recognize four “sphere” of study of the earth: the lithosphere, the hydrosphere, the atmosphere, and the biosphere, are corresponding to rocks, water, air, and life. Earth science affects our daily life so many ways. First of all, we live on the earth. Our very lives are shaped by it. We take summer breaks when it’s sunniest, we live through hot and cold, dry and wet, and every combination of weather.  We are a prey to it storm, droughts, earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanoes all the earth’s process. While there is very little we can to prevent what the earth does. There of how disasters work, or when they will happen –we might even not know about global warming. Therefore, it affects our life. Earth science affects all our lives. Our landscape has been shaped by natural processes such as tectonics, weathering, and biological activity over billions of years. We use natural materials every day, everything from building stone and oil to metals such as iron, copper and gold, and even diamonds, have all been extracted from the ground.

1 comment:

  1. Wow... This is a load of unimaginative, vague, beating-around-the-bush BS. If I was your teacher, I'd be sincerely disappointed and have you retake the lesson.
